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From the blog . . .
Hello, parents of high-need babies or children? Two words: parental burnout
We all have an image of what parenting will be like. For me, it was those ads with a mom sitting peacefully in a rocking chair with the...
Sleep research and advice is full of parent-shaming and it needs to stop.
I recently met a woman who told me that when her baby was roughly four-months-old, she was constantly fussy and just wouldn’t sleep…at...
Worried that you're creating "bad sleep habits" in your newborn? Good news: You don't have to.
The notion that you’ve already irrevocably ruined your child’s chances of sleep by nursing or rocking her to sleep at 4-months is just false
How soon should I start sleep training? Not as early as you think.
While many books suggest starting sleep training your baby at 4-months (or earlier), the science (and your baby's development) may say...
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