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Little Livewires and
Macall Gordon, M.A.



Contact Kaitlyn Kennedy at Kaye Publicity

kaitlyn (at)

IN THE PRESS Wake Windows by Age: Your Baby's Sleep Cycle From Newborn to Toddler


Glamour Magazine: How to Fall Asleep Faster According to Powerful Women What is a 'FOMO Baby'–and What Are We Missing About Newborns' Irregular Sleep Patterns?

The Bump: How to Put Baby Down ‘Drowsy but Awake': Here’s why some experts say the technique can help baby go to sleep and stay asleep

The Bump: How to Survive Sleep Deprivation as a New Parent


Sleepopolis: Summer Sleep Routine for Kids

Healthline: Everything You Need to Know About the Cry It Out Method


Sleepopolis: Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds Have a Surprising Sleep Arrangement The Ferber Method of Sleep Training: What to Know, According to Experts

What to Expect: 8 Best Night Lights for Baby's Nursery

The Everymom: Are Awake Zones the Key to Better Baby Sleep? Experts Weigh In

Willow: Night Parenting 101: 5 Tips on How to Get Sleep with a Newborn

Beyond the Crib: How Temperament May Be the Reason Your Child Isn't Sleeping Chair Method Sleep Training: A Guide for Sleepy Parents Sleep Training Not Working? This May Be the Reason Why!


Sleepopolis: The Ultimate Guide To Sleep Training Older Kids 



Autism Parenting Conference: Sleep on the Spectrum: A neuro-aware approach (Feb. 2022)


Washington Association for Infant Mental Health: Sleep for Clinicians


Advanced Training Webinars for Gentle Sleep Coaches: Working with alert/intense children on sleep and What does the research say about sleep training and advice?


Gentle Sleep Summit: Research 101: Research on sleep and sleep advice

Child Sleep Institute Sleeposium: Temperament and Sleep (2021); What does the research say (and not say) about sleep training in the first year? (2022)

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